Anna Borgonovo, Absolute remote intern

My Remote International Internship in London - Absolute Alumni

A Sneak Peek Into My Future Career

Hey Absolute readers! My name is Anna Borgonovo and I'm taking over the blog today to share my experience as an international remote intern. If you want to learn how this experience can shape the way you see yourself and the career path you will pursue, keep reading!

I’m 25 years old and I’m originally from Italy. I live in a little city near Milan, where Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is based. After five years of my bachelor degree and a masters degree on Management, I graduated from my studies and all of a sudden my life as a student was over: I was ready to kick-start my career.

I’ve always known that my biggest desire was to pursue an international experience and I’ve always had a clear plan in my head: to find an internship abroad as soon as possible and start building an international resume.


What Happened After Graduation?

Life had other plans for me as I got to graduate in the middle of a global pandemic, something that made really hard even thinking of going abroad and traveling all over the world. At the time I felt discouraged, thinking I had to let go of the desire of going abroad. Luckily, thanks to my university, I found out that Absolute internship had the perfect solution for me: a program called “International Remote Internship” that allows students and newly grads to find an internship at a company abroad while working from home.

After I enrolled in the program, the Enrollment team at Absolute Internship got in touch with me in order to understand what needs, desires and expectations I had for my internship. I had the chance to explain what was the field I was interested in, the position I had in mind and the kind of company I preferred. They listened, understood perfectly what I wanted and helped me by getting me in touch with companies in countries all over Europe - the countries I was interested in. 


Photo by Alec Kugler at Galvan London (

How Was My Remote Internship Like?

After a few interviews, I got in touch with the company I was hired for my internship, Galvan London, a contemporary luxury fashion brand with offices in London, New York and Dusseldorf. I was then offered the position of Digital Marketing and E-Commerce Intern, remotely.

At first, I was a little bit concerned about having to face an international working experience for the first time and doing that from home. How would it be to work remotely from my bedroom in Italy, without the chance of meeting my co-workers in person? Since day one, every doubt and fear disappeared - I felt involved in every process and all my coworkers were extremely helpful and kind. Luckily, I felt like part of the company even miles away from the people I was working with.

My responsibilities included weekly reporting on sales across all platforms, sales analysis, daily monitoring of the company e-commerce platforms, weekly reporting on Instagram and Social Media performances and support on all digital marketing tasks.


A Takeaway From My Remote Internship Experience

Thanks to this opportunity, I grew massively both professionally and personally. I connected and network with professionals who taught me a ton of things. I acquired new skills and knowledge I can definitely replicate in future experiences. This will sound like a cliché, but this internship helped me get out of my comfort zone and made me realize how capable I am of managing new situations, what my strengths are and what are the weaknesses I need to work on

Now I feel confident and ready to pursue my career and I’m deeply thankful for the experience I’ve been able to witness. In my opinion, an internship in your resume is a must, and an international one will add extra value to your university studies.


I would strongly recommend every student or recent grad to challenge him/herself by pursuing an international internship, being it remote or not, because it’s something that makes you different from the rest of talent out there, and ultimately gives you the power to understand what your career path will look like.

Galvan_London-10-1410x940Photo by Alec Kugler at Galvan London (


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