The first face I saw in England was my Program Coordinator who offered me a huge grin and plenty of welcomes. I felt as if I was arriving home after a long stay across the pond. When we arrived at the accommodation, we were given welcome packs that held directions to our internship, local SIM cards, and even a selfie stick. We were given our keys and I headed up the elevator to settle in. Having just lived in a dorm room hardly big enough to fit a bed, let alone the two college kids who had to manage, I was very excited to walk into my own personal room. The lively green carpet and wood finishes felt modern and exciting. However, I only truly felt I had moved to London when I plugged in my chargers with the international converter.
The first weekend was action packed and started out with a Welcome Dinner. As we made our way in a giant group, I felt like I was surrounded by already dear friends. We laughed and chatted over a three course meal in the heart of the city and didn’t get back to the sun was down. We woke up to an orientation in which we learned about our program and what life was like in our new city. The weekend was rounded out by sight-seeing and exploration, as time seemed to fly by. Before I knew it, Monday had come and I was on my way to my first day at work.
I have only been at my internship in London for a little while, but already I feel as if I am part of the team giving my greetings and goodbyes every time I step in or out of the office. Within the bustling city, I am learning to navigate and create my own way with work, friends, and fun.